M i r a c l e   C a s e s :


1.  Stomach Tumors

A 70 years old pastor is suffering from stomach tumors. After the third
operation in the hospital, the doctor abandoned him.

My treatments for him includes: Acupuncture and the Global herbs syrup. After few months, three wires made from the stainless steels were pushed out from his stomach that was the hospital used to tie up his intestine.          (Please see the pictures)




2.  Lung Disease

A 45-year-old male, is suffering from the lung disease that caused by mycobacterium SIMIAE.  A kind of fungi which colonize the patient's lung and erode the tissue. (The fungi eat up the lung tissue slowly). This is an incurable lung disease. The hospital only can "remove his major portion of diseased lung".  But after a year of operation, his symptoms are recurred. He is suffering not only bleeding from the respiratory system, but also suffering from Pneumonia and



Five months of Yin and Yang therapies and acupuncture treatments in my clinic. The final follow-up report from the hospital is: "Interval clearing of lung and no new abnormalities". And "There is no evidence of a new infiltrate or mass".  

(The original record on files)